Drama and Readings (T)

Last Edited: 06-Mar-2019 A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas

Tabucchi, Antonio
Tafler, Jonathan
Tagoe, Ben
Tagore, Rabindranath
Talfan, Ed
Tallack, Malachy
Tammet, Daniel
Tangye, Derek
Tanner, Art
Tanner, Liane
Tannet, Daniel
Taraqqi, Goli
Tartt, Donna
Tarry, George
Tavener, Mark
Taylor, Ali
Taylor, Andrew
Taylor, Barbara
Taylor, Bill
Taylor, Craig
Taylor, D J
Taylor, Don
Taylor, Elizabeth
Taylor, Hollis
Taylor, John
Taylor, Kressmann
Taylor, Peter
Taylor, Rachel
Taylor, Richard Norton
Taylor, Timothy
Teague, Mary
Teale, Sylvestra Le Touzel
Tebbutt, Judith
Teddern, Sue
Teevan, Colin
Templeton, William
Temple-Morris, Boz
Tennant, Kylie
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Terkel, Studs
Terson, Peter
Tessimond, ASJ
Tetsell, Dan
Tey, Josephine
Thackeray, Fiona
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Thain, Paul
Thavasothy, Meera
Thebo, Mimi
Theorin, Johan
Theroux, Paul
Thirkell, Angela
Thirtle, Rob
Thom, Eleanor
Thomas, Aeronwy
Thomas, Barry
Thomas, Brandon
Thomas, Colin
Thomas, Dylan
Thomas, Edward
Thomas, Gwyn
Thomas, Heidi
Thomas, Martin
Thomas, R S
Thomas, Rosie
Thomas, Ruth
Thomas, Scarlett
Thomason, Ed
Thompson, Brian B
Thompson, Charlotte
Thompson, Chris
Thompson, Eric
Thompson, Flora
Thompson, Harry
Thompson, Helena
Thompson, Jim
Thompson, Peter and Jamie
Thompson, Reg
Thompson, Steve
Thomson, Rupert
Thomson, Hugh
Thomson, Katherine
Thorn, Tracey
Thorndike, Russell
Thorne, Jack
Thorne, Matt
Thornton, Jane
Thorogood, Robert
Thorpe, Adam
Thorpe, Chris
Thorpe, Nick
Threlfall, David
Thubron, Colin
Thurber, James
Thurman, Daniel
Thurston, Katherine
Thuy, Kim
Tickell, Jerrard
Tiffany, Carrie
Tilmac, Feryal
Timoney, Charles
Tindall, Gillian
Tinniswood, Peter
Tintagel Primary School
Tise, Rhiannon
Titchmarsh, Alan
Tobin, Betsy
Todhunter, F
Tóibín, Colm
Tolan, Sandy
Tolkien, John Ronald Reuel
Tolstoy, Alexis
Tolstoy, Leo
Tomalin, Claire
Tomelty, Frances
Tomelty, Joseph
Tomlinson, Ricky
Tonkin, Sarah
Tonks, Rosemary
Toole, John Kennedy
Topping, Simon
Torday, Paul
Torres, Mitch
Toutoungi, Claudine
Towb, Harry
Towers, Anna
Towers, Frances
Townsend, Sue
Toye, Joanna
Trafford, Steve
Travers, Ben
Travers, P L
Tremain, Rose
Tremlett, Giles
Tresize, Rachel
Tressell, Robert
Treves, Frederick
Trevor, William
Trick-Walker, Rebecca
Trollope, Anthony
Trollope, Joanna
Truffaut, Francois
Trumbo, Christopher
Truss, Lynne
Tsutsui, Yasutaka
Tuckey, John
Tunney, Kieran
Tuohy, Mark
Turgenev, Ivan
Turnbull, Peter
Turner, Joe
Turnly, Francis
Turvey, Angela
Twain, Mark
Tyldesley, Joyce
Tyler, Anne
Tynan, Kenneth

Tales From the Crypt (US horror series, Seeing Ear Theater)
Tales From The Seven Seas (South African)
Tales Of Antiquity (South African)
Tales Of The Supernatural (South African)
Tales Of The Texas Rangers (US western series)
Taxi (South African sitcom)
Terry and The Pirates (US comic strip adventure series)
Theater of Romance (US drama series)
Theatre Ten Thirty (CBC horror series)
This Is Your FBI (US crime drama series)
Tom Corbett Space Cadet (US science fiction series)
Tom Mix Ralston Straightshooters (US western series)
Tommies (BBC WW1 drama series)
Top Secret (US espionage series)
Torchwood (BBC Dr. Who spinoff)
Tuesday Theatre (South African drama series)
Twenty-Six Hours (Australian OTR)
Two Roads to Samarra (Australian OTR)
2000 Tales (BBC Anthology)

Paul Temple
Thorndyke, Forensic Investigator
The Toff