Tyler, Anne

Last Edited: 14-Jan-2019 A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Broadcast source is BBC Radio Four unless otherwise indicated. Recording quality is considered good unless otherwise indicated.

Date Title Cast Parameters
11-Oct-2004 to
A Patchwork Planet Read by William Hope
Abridged by Pat McGloughlan
Produced by Di Spears
14:02, 6580, m
14:12, 6660, m
14:09, 6638, m
14:15, 6687, m
14:18, 6710, m
14:10, 6644, m
14:14, 6680, m
14:01, 6574, m
14:03, 6994, m
14:11, 6654, m
07-May-2012 to
Beginner's Goodbye
Read by William Hope
Abridged by Robin Brooks
Produced by Kirsteen Cameron
13:52, 12993, S
13:55, 13025, S
13:55, 13025, S
13:51, 12964, S
14:00, 13108, S
13:49, 12940, S
13:51, 12968, S
13:46, 12894, S
13:56, 13050, S
13:46, 12927, S
20-May-2013 to
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant
  1. Pearl
  2. Teaching the Cat to Yawn
  3. Destroyed by Love
  4. Heart Rumours
  5. The Country Cook
  6. Beaches on the Moon
  7. Dr. Tull is not a Toy
  8. This Really Happened
  9. Apple Apple
  10. Dinner
Barbara Barnes, Lorelei King, Nathan Osgood, Max Baldry,
Richard Linnell, Eloise Webb, Ben Crowe, Simon Lee Phillips,
Fenella Woolgar, Matthew Watson, David Seddon, Joanna
Brookes, Amaka Okafor, Will Howard, Paul Stonehouse,
Philippa Stanton, Ethan Brooke, Eloise Webb, Sean Murray
dramatised by Rebecca Lenkiewicz
produced by David Hunter

13:43, 12886, S
13:43, 12850, S
13:43, 12886, S
13:42, 12877, S
14:03, 13198, S
13:43, 12893, S
13:43, 12895, S
13:45, 12925, S
13:39, 12857, S
13:57, 13105, S
09-Mar-2015 to
Ladder of Years
  1. At the Family's Edges
  2. The Felson Girls
  3. The Ocean
  4. The Executive Secretary
  5. The Filling of White Hours
  6. Penny Soup
  7. Ketchup on His French Fries
  8. Green Light, Green Light
  9. I'm Calling about Susie
  10. The Wedding Day Hitch
Nancy Crane, Ian Conningham, Nathan Osgood, Jessica
Turner, Rhiannon Neads, David Acton, Sam Valentine,
Mark Edel-Hunt, Roslyn Hill, David Hounslow, Jane Slavin,
Carol Macready, Barbara Barnes, Stephen Critchlow, Sean
McCrystal, Sam Dale, Lucy Newman-Williams, Jude Akuwudike
dramatised by Rebecca Lenkiewicz
Director: David Hunter
13:29, 12631, S
13:39, 12788, S
13:45, 12874, S
13:44, 12860, S
13:25, 12566, S
13:27, 12592, S
13:39, 12777, S
13:36, 12743, S
13:42, 12824, S
14:09, 13250, S
13-Jun-2016 to
Vinegar Girl
Read by Liza Ross
Abridged by Isobel Creed
Produced by Jill Waters
13:48, 12927, S
13:44, 12854, S
13:38, 12761, S
13:41, 12813, S
13:45, 12877, S
13:42, 12828, S
13:39, 12786, S
13:10, 12333, S
13:17, 12435, S
13:22, 12519, S
10-Apr-2017 to
The Amateur Marriage
  1. 1941, Iodine and Bandages
  2. 1943, Once Upon a Time
  3. 1950, Elmview Acres
  4. 1960, Lindy Is Missing
  5. 1960, Lost and Found
  6. 1972, It Has Not Been Fun
  7. 1978, The Piano Teacher
  8. 1984, No Hot Water
  9. 1990, His Voice Had Changed
  10. 2001, An Extra Marriage
Julianna Jennings, Tom Forrister, Barbara Barnes, Pandora Colin,
Sarah Ridgeway, Sanchia McCormack, Maeve Bluebell Wells,
Chetna Pandya, Georgie Glen, John Bowler, Finlay Robertson,
David Sterne, Kayla Gal, Finn Monteath, Ian Porter,
Nicholas Murchie, Sara Stewart, Noel Brooke, Maeve Bluebell
Wells, David Sturzaker, Jane Slavin
dramatised by Rebecca Lenkiewicz
Director: David Hunter

68:48, 64364, S
68:54, 64454, S

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