Drama and Readings (H)

Last Edited: 19-Mar-2019
A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Hadari, Atar
Haddon, Mark
Hadfield, Chris
Hadley, Morag McIntyre
Hadley, Tessa
Hadoke, Toby
Hage, Rawi
Haggard, H Rider
Hague, Ffion
Hahlo, Richard
Hai, Yasmin
Hails, Sasha
Halberg, Jonny
Hales, Dianne
Halevi, Yehuda
Hall, Jonathan
Hall, Lee
Hall, Sarah
Hall, Simon
Hall, Stephen
Halliday, Jon
Halligan, Marion
Halliwell, David
Hameed, Ambreen
Hamer, Robert
Hamid, Moshin
Hamilton, Cynthia
Hamilton, Fiona
Hamilton, Hugo
Hamilton, Laurell K
Hamilton, Patrick
Hamilton, Paul
Hamilton, Peter F
Hamilton, Roddy
Hammett, Dashiel
Hampson, Frank
Hampton, Christopher
Hampton, Sophie
Hamsun, Knut
Hancock, Alan
Handler, Daniel
Hanff, Helene
Hankin, St. John
Hannah, Patricia
Hannah, Sophie
Hannon, Sheila
Hanratty, Krista
Hansberry, Lorraine
Hansford, Jane
Hanson, Michele
Harari, Yuval Noah
Harbot, Joe
Harbou, Thea von
Harcourt, Palma
Harden, Blaine
Harding, Georgina
Harding, Mike
Harding, Thomas
Hardwick, John
Hardwick, Michael
Hardy, Jeremy
Hardy, Justine
Hardy, Lindsay
Hardy, Thomas
Hare, Anthony
Hare, Bernard
Hare, Cyril
Hare, David
Hargreaves, Roger
Harman, Claire
Harrald, Chris
Harrington, Nick
Harris, Alan
Harris, Amanthi
Harris, Anne
Harris, Christopher
Harris, Ed
Harris, Jane
Harris, Joanne
Harris, Mike
Harris, Nancy
Harris, Robert
Harris, Shelley
Harrison, Carey
Harrison, Harry
Harrison, Kathryn
Harrower, David
Harrower, Elizabeth
Harsent, David
Hart, Carolyn
Hart, Josephine
Hart, Matthew
Hart, Miranda
Hartland, Michael
Hartley, L P
Hartley, Matt
Hartman, Neil
Hartnett, Sonya
Harvey, John
Harvey, Matt
Harvey, Samantha
Harvey, Vivienne
Harvey, W F
Harwood, Ronald
Hasek, Jaroslav
Haskins, Minnie Louise
Hastings, Charlotte
Hastings, Max
Hastings, Michael
Hastings, Selina
Hatcher, John
Hausemer, Georges
Havel, Vaclav
Havers, Nigel
Haverty, Anne
Hawes, Craig
Hawking, Stephen
Hawkins, Eric
Hawkins, Norma
Hawkins, Paula
Hawks, Tony
Haworth, Don

Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Hay, Elizabeth
Hay, George Campbell
Hayer, Tajinder Singh
Hayles, Brian
Hayman, Carole
Haynes, Dorothy K
Haynes, Matt
Haynes, Natalie

Head, Bessie
Healy, Edna
Healy, Sue
Heathcote, Suzanne
Hebel, Johann Peter
Hedgethorne, Christopher
Heffernan, Margaret
Heggie, Iain
Hegley, John
Hehir, Sarah
Heighton, Steven
Heilpern, John
Heiney, Rose
Heinlein, Robert
Heisch, Glan
Hellander, Stella
Heller, Joseph
Heller, Mandasue
Heller, Zoë
Helman, Cecil
Hemingway, Ernest
Hempel, Sandra
Henderson, Hamish
Henderson, Jon
Henderson, Laurence
Henderson, Ruth
Hendry, Diana
Henig, Robin Marantz
Hennessey, Nick
Hennessey, Patrick
Hennezel, Marie de
Henri, Adrian
Henry, Lenny
Henry, O
Henry, Paul
Heraghty, John
Herbert, A P
Hermann, Judith
Herriman, Damon
Herriot, James
Hershman, Tania
Herzi, Saida Hagi-Dirie
Heskins, Theresa
Hesky, Olga
Hesse, Hermann
Hesser, Amanda
Hetreed, Olivia
Hewett, Dorothy
Hewitt, Duncan
Heyer, Georgette
Heym, Stefan
Heyman, Kathryn
Hickman, Katie-
Hicks, Carola
Hickson, Ella
Higashida, Naoki
Higgins, Jack
Higgins, Maeve
Highsmith, Patricia
Hill, Barry
Hill, Christopher William
Hill, Douglas
Hill, Lawrence
Hill, Reginald
Hill, Rosemary
Hill, Susan

Hill, Tobias
Hillan, Sophia
Hilton, James
Hime, Ed
Himes, Charles
Hims, Katie
Hinchcliffe, Sally
Hines, Barry
Hislop, Ian
Hislop, Susanna
Hislop, Victoria
Hitchens, Christopher
Hitchman, Beatrice
Hjalmarsson, Ezra
Hoaas, Solrun
Hoar, Stuart
Hoare, Nick
Hoare, Philip
Hobbs, Peter
Hobson, Charlotte
Hocking, Tyece
Hodder-Williams, Christopher
Hodes, Tamar
Hodge, John Hodges, Mike
Hodgkinson, Tom
Hodgson, David
Hodgson, Sheila
Hodgson, William Hope
Høeg, Peter
Hoffman, Mary
Hogg, Clare Dwyer
Hogg, James
Hogg, Nicholas
Hoggart, Simon
Holden, Molly
Holder, Owen
Holding, Elizabeth Sanxay
Holdsworth, Lisa
Holford, Elizabeth
Holland, Dominic
Holland, Jools

Holland, Tom
Holland, William
Hollander, Julia
Holles, Robert
Hollington, Kris
Hollins, Joe
Hollins, Richard
Hollis, Matthew
Holloway, Jonathan
Holloway, Tom
Holm, Anne
Holmes, Rachel
Holmes, Richard
Holroyd, Michael
Holt, David
Holt, Rachael
Holtby, Winifred
Home, Jules
Homes, A M
Hong, Liu
Hood, Kerry
Hooker, Richard
Hooper, Chloe
Hooper, Meredith
Hope, Anthony
Hope, Christopher
Hopkin, James
Hopkins, David
Hopley, Lizzie
Hopper, Justin
Horler, Sidney
Hornby, Nick
Horne, Eileen
Horne, Jules
Horne, Thomas
Horniman, Roy
Hornung, Ernest William
Horovitz, Israel
Horovitz, Michael
Horowitz, Anthony
Horton, Caroline
Horwood,  Joel
Horwood, William
Hoskyns, Tam
Hosseini, Khaled
Hough, Colin
Houghton, Stanley
House, Richard
House, Stephen
Household, Geoffrey
Housman, A E
Howard, Elizabeth Jane
Howarth, Jennifer
Howarth, Laurence
Howell, Georgina
Howlett, John
Hoye, Jane Campion
Hoyle, Trevor
Hrabal, Bohumil
Hubbard, P M
Hudson, Kerry
Hudson, Mel
Hudson, William Henry
Hughes, Bettany
Hughes, Glyn
Hughes, Gwyneth
Hughes, Hugh
Hughes, Jude
Hughes, Langston
Hughes, Sarah McDonald
Hughes, Ted
Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Tristan
Hughes-Hallett, Lucy
Hugo, Victor
Hükümenoglu, Hikmet
Hull, Maureen
Hull, Richard
Hume, Fergus
Hunt, Peter
Hunt, Rebecca
Hunter, Evan
Hunter, N C
Hunter, Peter
Hurd, Douglas
Hurford, Richard
Hurston, Zora Neale
Hurt, Matthew
Hussain, Intizar
Hussain, Shai
Husseini, Haya

Hussey, Emma Spurgin
Hutchinson, Ron
Huth, Angela
Huxley, Aldous
Hyams, Roger
Hyatt, John
Hyem, Jill
Hyland, M J 

Hallmark Playhouse (US) drama anthology
Halls of Ivy (US) situation comedy
Harrogate Crime Writing Festival
Haunted (BBC R4X) supernatural anthology
Haunting Hour
Have Gun Will Travel (US) western series
Have Your Cake
Hawk Durango (US) western series
Hawk Larabee (US) western series
Hermit's Cave, The (US) horror series
Hidden Truth, The (US) crime series
High Adventure (US/South African) adventure series
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Home Front (BBC R4) WW1 soap opera
Hop Harrigan (US) juvenile aviation adventure series
Hopalong Cassidy (US) western series
Horizons West (US) historical western series
Hour Of Mystery (US) mystery anthology
House Of Mystery (US) mystery anthology

Hannay, Richard
Hartwell, Jackie
Hornblower, Horatio