Harrower, Elizabeth  

Last Edited: 25-Aug-2017
A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Broadcast source is BBC Radio Four unless otherwise indicated. Recording quality is considered good unless otherwise indicated.

Date Title Cast Parameters
16-Feb-2015 to
 In Certain Circles
  1. 'You only think of orphans in fairytales'
  2. 'Just don't develop a social conscience now'
  3. 'This is not my life'
  4. 'He's not easy'
  5. 'I'm marvellously happy'
  6. 'It was enough that he existed'
  7. 'No-one knows me'
  8. 'It harmed him'
  9. 'Something's happened to Anna'
  10. 'You must solve yourself'
Reader: Penny Downie
Abridger: Sally Marmion
Producer: Justine Willett
13:32, 12680, S
13:56, 13044, S
13:46, 12896, S
13:46, 12900, S
13:43, 12850, S
13:29, 12622, S
13:44, 16101, S
13:37, 19128, S
13:41, 19222, S
13:50, 12951, S

Documentaries and Collateral Material
Date Title Cast Parameters