Drama and Readings (G)

Last Edited: 28-Feb-2019 A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas

Gaffin, Rachel
Gaiman, Neil
Gaines, Ernest
Gaines, James
Gainham, Sarah
Gale, Patrick
Gallagher, Brian
Gallagher, Jock
Gallagher, R J
Gallagher, Stephen
Gallant, Mavis
Gallego, Ruben
Gallico, Paul
Gallie, Menna
Galloway, Janice
Galsworthy, John
Galt, John
Gander, Ann
Gandhi, Indira
Gangel, Alison
Ganley, Alex
Gannaway, David
Gannon, Lucy
Ganz, Adam
Gappah, Petina
Gardam, Jane
Gardell, Jonas
Garfield, Leon
Garfield, Simon
Garland, Alex
Garner, Alan
Garnett, David
Garrett, Robert
Garve, Andrew
Garvey, Marian
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Gatiss, Mark
Gaughn, Caroline
Gautier, Theophile
Gavanski, Dolya
Gavin, Jamila
Gayford, Martin
Gayle, Mike
Gebbie, Vanessa
Gebler, Carlo
Geddes, Garry
Gee, Maggie
Gee, Sue

Geisel, Theodor
Gelbart, Larry
Genet, Jean
George, Clare
George, Peter
George, Rose
Georgeson, Valerie
Gerallt, Catrin
Gerard, Nicci
Gerson, Jack
Ghitani, Gamal el
Ghosh, Amitav
Ghosh, Nandita
Gibb, Andrea
Gibbon, Lewis Grassic
Gibbons, Stella
Gibbs, May
Gibbs, Peter
Gibson, Miles
Gibson, Phoebe
Gibson, Wilfrid
Gibson, William
Giddings, Cicely
Gideon, Llewella
Gielgud, John
Gielgud, Val
Gilbert, Michael
Gilbert, Virginia
Gilbert, William Schwenck
Gilbey, Alan
Gilhooly, Brenda
Gilkes-Romero, Juliet
Gill, Peter
Gill, Winifred
Gillam, Zac
Gillan, Audrey
Gillece, Karen
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Gilroy, Frank D
Ginsberg, Allen
Giovanni,  Janine di
Giron, Arthur
Gissing, George
Gittins, Chrissie
Gittins, Rob
Gladhill, Pippa
Gladwin, Phil
Glaister, Lesley
Glass, Philip

Glassco, Briony
Glattauer, Daniel
Gleaves, Nicholas
Glendinning, Robin

Glendinning, Victoria
Glenny, Misha
Glover, Jane
Glover, Merryn
Glover, Sue
Glynn, Clara
Godber, John

Goddard, Robert
Godden, Rumer
Godey, John
Godley, Janey
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Goff, Sheila
Gogh, Vincent van
Gogol, Nicolai
Gold, Murray
Gold, Penny
Golding, William
Goldman, James
Goldman, William
Goldschmidt, Pippa
Goldsmith, Oliver
Goldstein, Brett
Goldsworthy, Vesna
Goleman, Daniel
Goncharov, Ivan
Gonsalves, Aileen
Gooch, Steve
Goodall, Felicity
Goodall, Keith
Goodchild, Peter
Gooding, Louise
Goodison, Lorna
Goodland, David
Goodwin, Charlotte
Goorney, Stella
Gopaleen, Myles na
Gordimer, Nadine
Gordon, Charlotte
Gordon, Dan
Gordon, Griselda
Gordon, Mick
Gordon, Richard
Gorman, Dave
Gorn, Caroline
Gorokhova, Elena
Goscinny, René
Goss, James
Gosse, Edmund
Goudge, Elizabeth
Gough, Julian
Gough, Lucy
Gough, Steve
Gould, Tara
Goulson, Dave
Gourevitch, Philip
Gouveia, Philip de
Gow, Michael
Gowdy, Barbara
Goyette, Sue
Grace, Fraser
Gracias, Bettina
Graffoe, Boothby
Grafton, Sue
Graham, Caroline
Graham, Duncan
Graham, James
Graham, John
Graham, Laurie
Graham, Matthew
Graham, Roderick
Graham, Winston
Graham, Ysenda Maxtone
Grahame, Kenneth
Gran, Maurice
Grant, Linda
Grantham, Wilfrid
Granville, Roy
Grass, Gunther
Gratus, Jack
Graves, Robert
Gray, Alasdair
Gray, Dulcie
Gray, Simon
Grayling, A C
Green, Anna Katherine
Green, Anthony
Green, Christopher
Green, Henry
Green, Ian
Green, Terence M
Green, Tom
Green, Tony
Greene, Dominic
Greene, Graham
Greene, Rob
Greengrass, Emma
Greenlaw, Lavinia
Greentree, Seth
Greenway, Alice
Greenwood, Walter
Greer, Andrew Sean
Greer, Anne
Greer, Bonnie
Greer, Germaine
Gregory, Philippa
Greig, Andrew
Greig, Charlotte
Greig, David
Greig, Noel
Grenfell, Joyce

Grenville, Kate
Greon, Hazel
Grey, Isabelle
Grierson, Sandy Griffin, Helen
Griffin, John
Griffiths, Claire
Griffiths, Jane Montgomery
Griffiths, Linda Marshall
Griffiths, Mark
Griffiths, Neil
Griffiths, Naill
Griffiths, Richard
Griffiths, Sally
Griffiths, Trevor
Grillo, Ioan
Grimm, The Brothers
Grimsdale, Peter
Grimwood, John Courtney
Gristwood, Sarah
Groen, Alma de

Grose, Carl
Gross, Philip
Grossetti, Adam

Grossman, Vasily
Grossmith, George and Weedon
Grosz, Stephen
Grounds, Tony
Grovier, Kelly
Grubb, Davis
Grundy, Sean
Grushin, Olga
Grytten, Frode
Guareschi, Giovanni Guerrier, Simon Guest, Tim
Guidice, Daniele del
Guin, Ursula Le
Guinness, Alec
Gummerson, Drew
Gunesekera, Romesh
Gunn, Kirsty
Gunn, Neil M
Guo, Xialou
Gupta, Amit
Gupta, Namita
Gupta, Tanika
Gurr, Michael
Guy, Russell
Gwilym, Dafydd ap 

Gasoline Alley (US) situation comedy
Gene Autry (US) western series
General Mills Radio Adventure Theater (US) drama anthology
General Motors On Safari (South African) adventure series
Ghost Corps, The (US) espionage serial
Globe Theater (US/AFRS) drama anthology
Goldbergs, The (US) soap opera
Graceless (BBC R4) science fiction
Granby's Green Acres (US) situation comedy
Grand Central Station (US) anthology series
Green Hornet, The (US) crime series
Green Lama (US) juvenile superhero series
Green Valley Line (US) railroad adventure serial
Grey Shadow (Australian) adventure serial
Gulf Screen Guild (US) drama anthology
Guiding Light, The (US) soap opera
Gunsmoke (US) western series

Gray, Cordelia
Ghote, Inspector