Drama and Readings (R)

Last Edited: 14-Dec-2018
A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Rabelais, Francois
Racanelli, Vito
Rachman, Tom
Racine, Jean
Radcliffe, Allan
Radcliffe, Ann
Radice, Sophie
Radley, Lynda
Rae, John
Ragosin, Lydia
Raine, Nina

Raisin, Ross
Raizada, Sharon
Rajan, Jacob
Ralling, Christopher
Ralph, Philip
Ramadurai, Suchitra
Ramsden, Louise
Ramsey, Tony
Rand, Ayn
Randall, Will
Ranganathan, Romesh
Rankin, Ian
Rankin, Robert
Ransley, Peter
Ransom, Jessica
Ransome, Arthur
Raphael, Frederic
Rash, Ron
Rashid, Ian Iqbal
Rashleigh, Andy
Rattigan, Terence
Rauchas, Sarah
Ravenhill, Mark
Rawlinson, A R
Rawsthorne, Paula
Ray, Satyajit
Ray, Tom
Raymond, Alex
Raymond, Ernest
Rayner, Claire
Rayner, D A
Raynor, Helen
Read, Anthony
Read, Herbert
Read, Martyn
Readman, Andrew
Reason, Christopher
Rebanks, James
Rebellato, Dan
Red Sky Writers
Redgrave, Corin
Reeder, Elizabeth
Reeman, Douglas
Rees, Jasper
Reeves, Emma
Reeves, Melissa
Reeves, Philip
Regan, Heidi
Regent, Peter
Reid, Christopher
Reid, Heather
Reid, Melissa
Reiss, Tom
Remarque, Erich Maria
Renault, Mary
Rendell, Ruth
Renton, Jennifer
Renwick, David
Retallack, John
Rhodes, Neil
Rhydderch, Francesca
Rhys, Jean
Rice, Ben
Richards, Frank
Richards, Hilda
Richards, Phillip
Richards, Willi
Richardson, C S
Richardson, Duncan
Richardson, Jon
Richardson, Nigel
Richardson, Paul
Richardson, Samuel
Richler, Mordecai
Richmond, Gillian
Richter, Falk
Rickarby, Frank
Rideout, Tanis
Ridgway, Keith
Ridler, Anne
Ridley, Arnold
Rigbey, Liz
Rigby, Robert
Riley, Sean
Rilke, Rainer Maria
Rimbaud, Artur
Rimington, Stella
Rintoul, Fiona
Rissik, Andrew
Ritchie, Aileen
Ritchie, Jack
Ritson, Dylan
Rivers, Lucy
Robb, Graham
Roberts, Bethan
Roberts, Michael Symmons
Roberts, Michele
Roberts, Peter
Robertson, James
Robertson, Louise
Robilant, Andrea di
Robins, Elizabeth
Robinson, Jane
Robinson, Joan G
Robinson, Louis
Robertson, Ray
Robins, Danny
Robinson, Marilynne
Robinson, Phil
Robinson, Rony
Robinson, T W
Robson, Eddie
Robson, Michael
Roche, Billy
Roche, Thomas S
Rochelt, Hans
Rodger, Ian
Rodney, Carina
Rodwell, Sue
Roe, Sue
Rogers, Byron
Rogers, Douglas
Rogers, Jane
Rogers, Pieter
Rogerson, Cynthia
Rohmer, Sax
Roke, Fiona
Roland, Betty
Rolf, Aden
Rolt, L T C
Ronson, Jon
Rooney, John P
Roonie, Jennie
Ropper, Allan H
Rose, C D
Rose, Heather
Rose, Jon
Rose, Sarah
Rose, William
Rose-Innes, Henrietta
Rosenberg, Isaac
Rosenthal, Amy
Rosenthal, Jack
Rosenthal, Vanessa
Rosie, George
Rosoff, Meg
Ross, Adam
Ross, Alex
Ross, Colin
Ross, Duncan
Ross, George
Ross, Iain
Ross, Lesley
Ross, Marty
Rossant, Colette
Rossetti, Christina
Rostand, Edmond
Rotellini, Ugo
Roth, Joseph
Rowe, Alick
Rowe, Dorothy
Rowell, Julie-Ann
Rowlands, Ian
Rowley, Hazel
Rowling, J K
Royle, Nicholas
Rubenfeld, Jed
Rubenhold, Hallie
Rubens, Bernice
Rudkin, David
Ruhemann, Linda
ruhn, gerhardt
Rulliere, Sue
Runcie, James
Runyon, Damon
Rush, Christopher
Rushdie, Salman
Rusling, Fay
Russell, Christopher
Russell, Craig
Russell, Eric Frank
Russell, Michael
Russell, Willy
Russell-Pavier, Nick
Rutherford, Alistair
Ryan, Catherine
Ryan, Cornelius
Ryan, Denise
Ryan, Donal
Rye, James
Ryton, Royce

Radio Adventure Theatre
Radio City Playhouse (US drama series)
Radio Detectives (BBC documentaries/retrospectives)
Red Dwarf (audiobooks of novels based on BBC TV series)
Red Ryder (US comic strip series)
Return To Paper Plates (US soap opera satire)
Richard Diamond, Private Detective (US detective series)
Right To Happiness (US soap opera)
Rivals, The (BBC mystery anthology series)
Rocky Fortune (US drama series)
Rocky Jordan (US detective series)
Rogers Of The Gazette (US situation comedy)
Romance Of Helen Trent (US soap opera)
Romance of the Ranchos (US historical western series)
RS Playhouse, Graham Kennedy’s (Australian comedy series)
Ruby: The Adventures of a Galactic Gumshoe (cyberpunk radio drama)
Raisin, Agatha
Rebus, DI