Drama and Readings (V)

Last Edited: 01-Feb-2019 A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Valentine, Alana
Vallins, G H
Valmiki, Guru
van Druten, John
Vanbrugh, John
Vanderhaeghe, Guy
Vanhoenacker, Mark
Vann, David
Varela, David
Vaughan Williams, Ursula
Vegas, Johnny
Vellissaris, Nic

Verga, Giovanni
Verma, Deepak
Vermes, Timur
Verne, Jules
Vertigan, Miles
Vincent, John D
Vincenzi, Penny
Vickers, Peter
Vickers, Salley
Vida, Vendela
Vidal, Gore
Vidal, Paloma
Vigan, Delphine de
Villani, Cedric
Vincent, Florence
Vincent, Hannah
Vincent, Jerome
Viner, Andrew
Vinnicombe, Simon
Viragh, Paul
Virdi, Harvey
Vlautin, Willy

Vonnegut, Kurt
Vosburgh, Dick
Voynich, Ethel
Vu, Chee

Van der Walk

Victoria Station
Vivat Rex
Voyage of the Scarlet Queen (US) adventure series