Edwards, George (born Harold Parks) (1886–1953)
Francis, Maurice

Last Edited: 18-May-2017
A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Broadcast source is BBC Radio Four unless otherwise indicated. Recording quality is considered good unless otherwise indicated.

George Edwards and Maurice Francis were responsible for dozens if not hundreds of serials on Australian radio. Maurice Francis was the scriptwriter; George Edward was an actor of many voices and roles, the producer and creative director.

Adventures of Marco Polo, The
1940 1 Kidnapped and Sent to Persia
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:14, 3105, m
1940 2 Seasick on the Voyage
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:04, 3068, m
1940 3 Prisoner of the Old Man of the Mountain
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:09, 3085, m
1940 4 Awakening in Paradise
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:31, 2939, m
1940 5 The Madness of the Drug
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:28, 2927, m
1940 6 No Escape from the Castle
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:33, 2944, m
1940 7 Threatened with Beheading
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:58, 3043, m
1940 8 A Return to Venice
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:02, 3057, m
1940 9 A Journey to China
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:05, 3071, m
1940 10 A Warning from the Khan of Persia
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:16, 2879, m
1940 11 A Walk with the Princess
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:47, 3001, m
1940 12 The Fountain of Oil
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:43, 2986, m
1940 13 At the Gates of Peking
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:07, 3079, m
1940 14 An Audience with the Great Khan
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:51, 3017, m
1940 15 Plotting with the Princess
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:38, 2967, m
1940 16 The Sound of the Death Gong
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:55, 3030, m
1940 17 Exposing the Traitor
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:50, 3012, m
1940 18 Guarding the Palace
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:06, 3076, m
1940 19 The Rebels Seize the Palace
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:52, 3021, m
1940 20 The Princess Must Marry Vanchu
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:03, 3063, m
1940 21 The Executions Are Imminent
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:49, 3007, m
1940 22 The Return of Kubla Khan
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:06, 3077, m
1940 23 Preparing for a Wedding
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:50, 3012, m
1940 24 The Wives of Marco Polo
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:45, 2994, m
1940 25 Achmat the Magician
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:01, 3057, m
1940 26 The Princess Says Farewell and
the Journey Begins
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:38, 2964, m
1940 27 Achmat and Vanchu Plot Against Kubla Khan
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:38, 2966, m
1940 28 Poisoning the Venetians
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:45, 2992, m
1940 29 Finding Proof of the Plot
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:17, 2883, m
wow and flutter
1940 30 The Venetians are Condemned to Death
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:37, 2963, m
1940 31   George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
1940 32   George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
1940 33 The Plot is Revealed
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:50, 3047, m
1940 34 Another Wife for Marco Polo
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:50, 3013, m
1940 35 Learning of Arghun's Treachery
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:11, 2859, m
1940 36 Visiting the Dungeons
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:47, 3001, m
1940 37 The Khan is Held Captive
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:45, 2993, m
1940 38 A Request for a Marriage
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:16, 2880, m
1940 39 Marco Polo Avoids a Marriage
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:50, 3012, m
1940 40 Delaying a Royal Wedding
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:50, 3014, m
1940 41 Marco Polo Finds True Love
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:30, 2935, m
1940 42 A Journey to Peking
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:25, 2913, m
1940 43 A Favor from the Great Khan
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:22, 2903, m
1940 44 Waylaying the King's Messenger
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:02, 2824, m
1940 45 Deceiving the King
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:00, 2815, m
1940 46 Preventing a Premature Marriage
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:29, 2929, m
1940 47 Attracting the King's Affection
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:26, 2919, m
1940 48 Securing Benedetta Corsini's Release
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
11:37, 2726, m
1940 49 The King Believes That He Has
Been Duped
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:16, 2878, m
1940 50 Kubla Khan Demands a Duel
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
11:56, 2802, m
1940 51 The Duel is Fought
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:03, 2828, m
1940 52 Benedetta Corsini Disappears
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, Tom Farley, Warren Barry,
Eric Scott
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:27, 2922, m

Afloat with Henry Morgan
Episode Title
1932 or 1933 1 Morgan Accused of Stealing
an Aztec Necklace
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:13, 2865, m
1932 or 1933 2 Kitty Wants The Necklace George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:18, 2885, m
1932 or 1933 3 Morgan is Offered A Deal By The Governor George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:09, 2852, m
1932 or 1933 4 Morgan Assembles His Fleet
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:18, 2887, m
1932 or 1933 5 Longboat rescued at sea by Morgan
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:10, 2855, m
1932 or 1933 6 Jeffrey Hunter Apoligizes to Kitty George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:23, 2904, m
1932 or 1933 7 Diaz Discovers Kitty and Jeffery Together George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
11:25, 2679, m
1932 or 1933 8 Morgan Guarentees His Future Saftey George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:26, 2915, m
1932 or 1933 9 Kitty Professes Her Love to Jeffery George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:16. 2876, m
1932 or 1933 10 Jeffrey Learns of Kitty's Whipping George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
11:58, 2806, m
1932 or 1933 11 Morgan Confies About Necklace to Jeffrey George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:00, 2815, m
1932 or 1933 12 Delores and Diaz Plot Against Morgan George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:12, 2861, m
1932 or 1933 13 Delores Starts Her Seduction of Jeffrey George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:12, 2861, m
1932 or 1933 14 Delores and Diaz Search Jeffrey's Cabin George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:19, 2889, m
1932 or 1933 15 Delores Lies to Jeffrey About Being Caught George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:15, 2874, m
1932 or 1933 16 Jeffrey Confides in Delores about His Trip George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:09, 2852, m
1932 or 1933 17 Diaz Plants Seeds Of Doubt with Kitty George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:20, 2892, m
1932 or 1933 18 Morgan Reveals Where The Raid Will Be George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:45, 2992, m
1932 or 1933 19 The Secret Of Jeffreys' Past is Revealed George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:20, 2892, m
1932 or 1933 20 Kitty Tells Diaz About Jeffreys' Past George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:21, 2899, m
1932 or 1933 21 Diaz and Delores Find Morgan's Necklace George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:02, 3058, m
1932 or 1933 22 Plans To Trap Delores George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:23, 2903, m
1932 or 1933 23 Jeffrey Arrested, Kitty Has Necklace George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:14, 2870, m
1932 or 1933 24 Diaz Has Control Of Necklace George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:39, 2968, m
1932 or 1933 25 Delores Escapes George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:11, 2859, m
1932 or 1933 26 The Hunt For Delores George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:19, 2891, m
1932 or 1933 27 Diaz and Delores Plot To Escape To Cuba George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:22, 2900, m
1932 or 1933 28 Kitty Left In Care Of Delores George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:27, 2922, m
1932 or 1933 29 Jeffrey Heading For Work In Swamp George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:24, 2908, m
1932 or 1933 30 Jeffrey Saves A Prisonered Named Hero George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:35, 2950, m
1932 or 1933 31 Jeffrey And Hero Plan Their Escape George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:26, 2917, m
1932 or 1933 32 Morgan Sets Sail George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:28, 2926, m
1932 or 1933 33 Hero Saves Jeffrey George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:45, 2992, m
1932 or 1933 34 Diaz In Hiding With Kitty And Delores George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:39, 2996, m
1932 or 1933 35 Jeffrey and Hero Mistaken For Intruders George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:09, 2852, m
1932 or 1933 36 Jeffrey Explains His Background George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:12, 2864, m
1932 or 1933 37 Jeffrey Reveals His Wronged Conviction George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
11:54, 2791, m
1932 or 1933 38 Jeffrey and Hero Given Their Freedom George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:13, 2866, m
1932 or 1933 39 Jeffery Searches For Morgan George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:02, 3058, m
1932 or 1933 40 Jeffery Imprisoned Aboard Ship By Morgan George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:20, 2893, m
1932 or 1933 41 Morgan Attacks and Sacks a Town George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:43, 2984, m
1932 or 1933 42 Morgan Releases Jeffery and Hero George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:21, 2896, m
1932 or 1933 43 Jeffery Sails For Havana, Cuba George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:38, 2962, m
1932 or 1933 44 Jeffery and Delores Meet Again George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:35, 2952, m
1932 or 1933 45 Jeffery Is Under Diaz Control George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:15, 2874, m
1932 or 1933 46 Jeffery Is Tortured by Diaz for Information George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:48, 3001, m
1932 or 1933 47 Jeffrey and Kitty to be sold at
the Slave Market
George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:26, 2917, m
1932 or 1933 48 Jeffrey and Kitty Flee The Slave Market George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:35, 2953, m
1932 or 1933 49 Diaz Threatens Delores George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:44, 2985, m
1932 or 1933 50 Antoniette and Kitty Argue Over Jeffrey George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:35, 2951, m
1932 or 1933 51 Captain Morgan Returns and is Arrested George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
12:45, 2990, m
1932 or 1933 52 Morgan Freed and the Series Ends George Edwards, Nell Stirling, ...
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
13:02, 3058, m

Corsican Brothers, The
Episode Title
no episode titles
scriptwriter Maurice Francis
produced by George Edwards
52 episodes
11:12:16, 153 MB, m
Documentaries and Collateral Material
Date Title Cast Parameters