Case Dismissed

Last Edited: 25-Apr-2017
A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Broadcast source is BBC Radio Four unless otherwise indicated. Recording quality is considered good unless otherwise indicated.

US legal drama from Chicago, 1954, sponsored by the Chicago Bar Association.

Date Title Cast Parameters
01 Criminal Liability John Fitzgerald
written by Robert Carman
27:18, 6370, M
02 Legal Wills John Fitzgerald 27:32, 6422, M
13-Feb-1954 03 Pitfalls Of Buying A Home John Fitzgerald 27:30, 6416, M
20-Feb-1954 04 Child Support John Fitzgerald 27:19, 6373, M
27-Feb-1954 05 Installment Buying John Fitzgerald 27:46, 6477, M
06-Mar-1954 06 Adoption John Fitzgerald 27:29, 6412, M
13-Mar-1954 07 Landlord And Tenant John Fitzgerald 27:43, 6469, M
20-Mar-1954 08 Rights When Arrested John Fitzgerald 27:42, 6464, M
27-Mar-1954 09 Liability For Minors John Fitzgerald 28:36, 6703, M
03-Apr-1954 10 Responsibility Of Eye Witness John Fitzgerald 27:21, 6411, M

17-Apr-1954 12 A Story Of Libel
John Fitzgerald 27:29, 6443, M
13 Juvenile Delinquency John Fitzgerald 26:52, 6270, M

Documentaries and Collateral Material
Date Title Cast Parameters