Barras, Leonard (1922-2008)

Last Edited: 06-Aug-2012 A Global British Comedy Collaborative document. Edited by John Lucas
Broadcast source is BBC Radio Four unless otherwise indicated. Recording quality is considered good unless otherwise indicated.

Date Title Cast Parameters
Sideways a Bit Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
14:15, 6722, m
spliced at start
Certain Vicissitudes
Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
14:38, 6860, m
17-Aug-1984 to
Very Likely
  1. Love in a Windy Place
  2. Nothing Like Flute Practice
  3. Third Time and Still Unlucky
Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
15:20, 17971, S
14:46, 17325, S
14:56, 17503, S
05-July-1985 to
Up the Tyne in a Flummox
  1. Public Exposures
  2. A Poultice for a Poet
  3. A Fearful Conflagration
  4. An Elderly Frame
  5. The Finger in the Filing Cabinet
Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
7:26, 6986, S
7:17, 6844, S
6:51, 6441, S
7:42, 7236, S
7:09, 6714, S
08-Oct-1986 to
Further Up The Tyne in a Flummox
  1. Last Night, Ah Yesternight / Not the Food of Love
  2. A Number of Mean Things / The Case of Many Legs
  3. Ambition's Debt / A Sanctified Artifact
  4. A Hanging Matter / Her Voice Was Ever Soft
Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
15:00, 35187, S
14:39, 34368, S
14:33, 34133, S
14:19, 33568, S
some interference
03-Jan-1988 to
Even further up the Tyne in a Flummox
  1. Much Persuasion / Rhubarb: a Conservative View
  2. Find the Truth For Yourself / The Turnip In the Night
  3. Worms Have Eaten Them / Quite Unlike a Singing Bird
  4. Laid On With a Towel / Everything But Vertigo
Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
12:56, 30342, S
13:00, 30483, S
12:25, 29115, S
12:32, 29383, S
24-Jun-1989 to
Flummoxed Four Times
  1. Just About Everybody Out
  2. Speed Bonny Greengrocer's Horse
  3. It Was Possibly Watling Street
  4. What Day It Was
  5. The Millenium Minus A Bit
  6. Under Canvas With Trapezium
  7. Several Extra Mariatal Relations
  8. What Charm Can Soothe
Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
7:07, 6678, S
6:26, 6037, S
6:34, 4628, S
7:04, 4976, S
6:44, 4740, S
6:42, 4716, S
6:49, 6407, S
6:30, 6101, S
middle episodes
muffled slightly
30 Jul-1991 to
Eva and Adamson
  1. Not Another Oven Glove (Crimson Trousers) / Loping
    through the Slush (Bushy Tails)
  2. All Circumstances are Grey in the Dark / Words
  3. Lampooned with Love / Nothing To Do with a
    Hereford Bull
  4. Battle of Bursitis / Achieving the Unintelligible
Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
14:15, 6681, m
14:17, 6700, m
14:08, 6631, m
14:26, 6774, m
20-Feb-1993 to
Eva and Adamson Again
  1. The Marks of Marriage / Unachievable Gazebos
  2. Relativity With A Vengeance / A Rancorous Agency
  3. Too Late for Horsewhipping / But Not Much Fire
  4. Three and a Half Thoughts / Obloquy, Mostly Unheaped
Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
14:28, 13569, S
14:14, 13364, S
14:51, 13927, S
14:36, 13697, S
24-Jun-1996 to
Quintessentially Flummoxed
  1. Days of Reflection / Relatively Absolute
  2. Suffering Is Permanent / Vibrating in the Memory
  3. Only Stars above You / After Me in Vain
  4. Such Love as Spirits Feel / Before and After the Flood
Written and read by Leonard Barras
Produced by Gillian Hush
14:45, 17304, S
14:52, 17434, S
14:38, 17153, S
14:51, 17413, S

Documentaries and Collateral Material